2. Run KILPATRICK test cases

2.1. Cold-to-warm case

2.1.1. Installation

To install CROCO with ABL1d developments, get the dev_2022_ABL1d branch from INRIA’s gitlab server :

git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/croco-ocean/croco.git
git checkout -b dev_2022_ABL1d origin/dev_2022_ABL1d

2.1.2. Compilation

To compile Kilpatrick test case, you need to adapt the cppdefs.h file (define KILPATRICK and undef REGIONAL) :

#define KILPATRICK      /* 2D sst front*/
#undef  COASTAL         /* COASTAL Applications */
#undef  REGIONAL        /* REGIONAL Applications */

In param.h, you need to change the MPI setup by :

parameter (NP_XI=4,  NP_ETA=1,  NNODES=NP_XI*NP_ETA)

2.1.3. Simulation

Here is an example of the croco.in file to use :

time_stepping: NTIMES   dt[sec]  NDTFAST  NINFO
             1296      100      2      1

S-coord: THETA_S,   THETA_B,    Hc (m)
        7.0d0     2.0d0      200.0d0

initial: NRREC / filename
restart:          NRST, NRPFRST / filename
                2592    -1

history: LDEFHIS, NWRT, NRPFHIS / filename
         T      36     0
averages: NTSAVG, NAVG, NRPFAVG / filename
         1      36     0
primary_history_fields: zeta UBAR VBAR  U  V   wrtT(1:NT)
                       T    T   T   T  T    40*T
auxiliary_history_fields:   rho Omega  W  Akv  Akt  Aks  Bvf  Visc3d Diff3d  HBL HBBL Bostr Bustr Bvstr Wstr Ustr Vstr Shfl Swfl rsw rlw lat sen HEL
                          F   F     T   F    T    F   F    F       F       T   T    T     F      F     T    T    T    T    T   30*T

primary_averages: zeta UBAR VBAR  U  V   wrtT(1:NT)
                T    T    T    T  T   40*T
auxiliary_averages: rho Omega  W  Akv  Akt  Aks  Bvf Visc3d Diff3d HBL HBBL Bostr Bustr Bvstr Wstr Ustr Vstr Shfl Swfl rsw rlw lat sen HEL
                  F   T     T   F    T    F    F    F     F      T   T    T     F     F     T   T    T     T    T   30*T

abl: ldefablhis, nwrtablhis, nrpfablhis / filename
           T       36     0
abl_history_fields: pu_dta pv_dta pt_dta pq_dta pgu_dta pgv_dta u_abl v_abl t_abl q_abl tke mxlm mxld avm avt ablh zr zw Hzr Hzw
                   T      T       T      T       T      T     T      T     T     T     T   T    T    T   T   T   T  T  T   T
abl_averages: ldefablavg, ntsablavg, nwrtablavg, nrpfablavg / filename
               F        1             1          0
abl_averages_fields: pu_dta pv_dta pt_dta pq_dta pgu_dta pgv_dta u_abl v_abl t_abl q_abl tke mxlm mxld avm avt ablh zr zw Hzr Hzw
                   T      T       T      T       T      T     T      T      T     T     T   T    T    T   T   T   T  T  T   T


vertical_mixing: Akv_bak, Akt_bak [m^2/sec]
                0.d0    30*0.d0

bottom_drag:     RDRG [m/s],  RDRG2,  Zob [m],  Cdb_min, Cdb_max
              3.0d-04      0.d-3    0.d-3     1.d-4    1.d-1


abl_nudg_cof:    ltra_min, ltra_max, ldyn_min, ldyn_max  [seconds for all]
                   5400.     3600.     5400.    3600.

nudg_cof:    TauT_in, TauT_out, TauM_in, TauM_out  [days for all]
               1.      360.      3.      360.

Launch the simulation with mpirun (it takes less than 10 secondes) :

mpirun -np 4 ./croco

2.1.4. Results

At the end of the simulation you should have the file croco_abl_his.nc. It contains instantanneous ABL1d variables.

2.2. Warm-to-cold case

2.2.1. Installation

To install CROCO with ABL1d developments, get the dev_2022_ABL1d branch from INRIA’s gitlab server :

git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/croco-ocean/croco.git
git checkout -b dev_2022_ABL1d origin/dev_2022_ABL1d

2.2.2. Compilation

To compile Kilpatrick test case, you need to adapt the cppdefs.h file (define KILPATRICK and undef REGIONAL) :

#define KILPATRICK      /* 2D sst front*/
#undef  COASTAL         /* COASTAL Applications */
#undef  REGIONAL        /* REGIONAL Applications */

In param.h, you need to change the MPI setup by :

parameter (NP_XI=4,  NP_ETA=1,  NNODES=NP_XI*NP_ETA)

Contrary to the cold-to-warm case, you need to modify the SST front by multiplying by -1.0 the xr variable in the file ana_initial.F :

2.2.3. Simulation

Here is an example of the croco.in file to use (same as the cold-to-warm case) :

time_stepping: NTIMES   dt[sec]  NDTFAST  NINFO
             1296      100      2      1

S-coord: THETA_S,   THETA_B,    Hc (m)
        7.0d0     2.0d0      200.0d0

initial: NRREC / filename
restart:          NRST, NRPFRST / filename
                2592    -1

history: LDEFHIS, NWRT, NRPFHIS / filename
         T      36     0
averages: NTSAVG, NAVG, NRPFAVG / filename
         1      36     0
primary_history_fields: zeta UBAR VBAR  U  V   wrtT(1:NT)
                       T    T   T   T  T    40*T
auxiliary_history_fields:   rho Omega  W  Akv  Akt  Aks  Bvf  Visc3d Diff3d  HBL HBBL Bostr Bustr Bvstr Wstr Ustr Vstr Shfl Swfl rsw rlw lat sen HEL
                          F   F     T   F    T    F   F    F       F       T   T    T     F      F     T    T    T    T    T   30*T

primary_averages: zeta UBAR VBAR  U  V   wrtT(1:NT)
                T    T    T    T  T   40*T
auxiliary_averages: rho Omega  W  Akv  Akt  Aks  Bvf Visc3d Diff3d HBL HBBL Bostr Bustr Bvstr Wstr Ustr Vstr Shfl Swfl rsw rlw lat sen HEL
                  F   T     T   F    T    F    F    F     F      T   T    T     F     F     T   T    T     T    T   30*T

abl: ldefablhis, nwrtablhis, nrpfablhis / filename
           T       36     0
abl_history_fields: pu_dta pv_dta pt_dta pq_dta pgu_dta pgv_dta u_abl v_abl t_abl q_abl tke mxlm mxld avm avt ablh zr zw Hzr Hzw
                   T      T       T      T       T      T     T      T     T     T     T   T    T    T   T   T   T  T  T   T
abl_averages: ldefablavg, ntsablavg, nwrtablavg, nrpfablavg / filename
               F        1             1          0
abl_averages_fields: pu_dta pv_dta pt_dta pq_dta pgu_dta pgv_dta u_abl v_abl t_abl q_abl tke mxlm mxld avm avt ablh zr zw Hzr Hzw
                   T      T       T      T       T      T     T      T      T     T     T   T    T    T   T   T   T  T  T   T


vertical_mixing: Akv_bak, Akt_bak [m^2/sec]
                0.d0    30*0.d0

bottom_drag:     RDRG [m/s],  RDRG2,  Zob [m],  Cdb_min, Cdb_max
              3.0d-04      0.d-3    0.d-3     1.d-4    1.d-1


abl_nudg_cof:    ltra_min, ltra_max, ldyn_min, ldyn_max  [seconds for all]
                   5400.     3600.     5400.    3600.

nudg_cof:    TauT_in, TauT_out, TauM_in, TauM_out  [days for all]
               1.      360.      3.      360.

Launch the simulation with mpirun (it takes less than 10 secondes) :

mpirun -np 4 ./croco

2.2.4. Results

At the end of the simulation you should have the file croco_abl_his.nc. It contains instantanneous ABL1d variables.